Runci Group, as exclusive Sale Advisor, is pleased to offer the following portfolio of Paying & Non-Paying Consumer Judgments for your consideration.
The Sale Portfolio consists of 1,240 accounts with a Sale Balance of $4,904,397 (no post judgment interest is included). The Seller is winding down two passive debt buying entities that were formed solely to own charged-off receivables. The sale includes all judgment accounts owned in the entities excluding bankruptcy, deceased, disputed and other non-saleable statuses. Complete chain of title to the issuer is available for all accounts. The majority of the accounts were originally prime credit cards and installment loans that were purchased as charge-offs by Seller and forwarded to collection agencies and then law firms where judgments were obtained.
Seller will entertain offers by state but prefers to sell the entire portfolio to a single Purchaser with resale rights. All judgment/docket copies in Seller’s possession are included and post-judgment payment histories where applicable are available on request. Samples are included with the Evaluation Materials. A brief summary of the key portfolio characteristics appears in the table below.
- Portfolio ID:RG-2021-116
- Account Type:Consumer Judgments
- Performance Level:Paying & Non-Paying
- Sale Balance:$4,904,397
- Accounts:1,240
- Avg. Sale Balance:$3,955
- Ave. Orig. JUD Date:11-2005 (Renewals completed where required)
- Geography:National (Top: IA NY IL IN KY NJ )
- Bid Deadline:6-11-2021