Runci Group, as exclusive Sale Advisor, is pleased to offer the following portfolio of pre and post charge-off Residential Electricity Utility Accounts for your consideration.
The final Sale Portfolio is projected to consist of approximately 22,327 accounts with an Outstanding Balance of $7.1 million at Closing. The Seller is a retail energy provider and affiliate of a global energy leader. As part of a pending merger, the company will cease operating in the state of Texas and all Accounts will be sold at the time of Closing (August 2021) regardless of the number of days from final service date. Approximately 60% of the Accounts have never been placed with an outside collection agency.
Supporting media will include both Enrollment documents and Final Bills and will be provided at Closing. A brief summary of the key portfolio characteristics (as of 6-28) appears in the table below. It is anticipated the balance will be reduced to approximately $7.1 million by the August 2021 closing date.
- Portfolio ID:RG-2021-117
- Account Type:Residential Utility Accounts
- Performance Level:Pre & Post Charge-Off
- Sale Balance:$8,024,056
- Accounts:24,833
- Avg. Balance:$318
- Avg. Open Date:9-2020
- Avg. LP Date:1-2021 (Range: 2000-2021)
- Avg. Disconnect:2-2021
- Geography:TX
- Bid Deadline:7-15-2021
If you are interested in reviewing the Evaluation Materials for this portfolio, please contact us today for additional details at (877) 452-6466 or email us at All Bidders must have a Confidentialty Agreement (Download Link) with Runci Group on file prior to receiving the Evaluation Materials.