Runci Group, as exclusive Sale Advisor, is pleased to offer the following portfolio of Charged-Off Commercial Installment Loans for your consideration.
The Sale Portfolio consists of 195 Secured Accounts with a Principal Balance of $4,850,379 and 1,203 Unsecured (Deficiency) Accounts with a Principal Balance of $25,037,583. All (Secured and Unsecured) of the Accounts were obtained by the Seller in December 2020. Seller is retaining several states in their entirety from its initial purchase and is reselling all remaining states (in their entirety). Seller will entertain state, regional and national offers. Supporting media is included with sale and samples are available for review. A brief summary of the key portfolio characteristics appears in the table below.
- Portfolio ID: RG-2020-132
- Account Type: Commercial Installment Loans (Secured & Unsecured)
- Performance Level: Charged-Off
- Sale Balance: $29,887,962
- Accounts: 1,398
- Avg.Balance: $21,379
- Avg.CO Date: 11-2017 (Range is 1-2018 to 10-2018)
- Geography: National (Top 5: TX FL CA IL GA)
- Bid Deadline: 1-20-2021
If you are interested in reviewing the Evaluation Materials for this portfolio, please contact us today for additional details at (877) 452-6466 or email us at All Bidders must have a Confidentialty Agreement (Download Link) with Runci Group on file prior to receiving the Evaluation Materials.